Info - BlueForce accessories

Accessories for blueforce and speedforce measurements

Accessories Linear extension

The linear accessory (Art.50V003), also called linear extension, is a mechanical accessory that firmly attaches to the device and allows measurements (required in the former EN12445, now new EN12453) to be made at preset distances: 30cm and 50cm.

The linear accessories are useful for any type of lock; horizontal, rotate and vertical.

Accessory angle extension

The angle accessory (art.50V004), also called angle extension, is a mechanical accessory that attaches to the device through part of the linear extension and allows measurements (required in the former EN12445, now new EN12453) from 1.4m to 2 .6m to make variable distances.

The angle accessory is useful for measurements on sectional, vertical and swinging closures (which are usually very high) and also for barriers where the unit needs to be placed at an angle.

Other accessories

Vertical accessories

Thermal printer FTP

Suitcase EXTREME

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